Metro Area All Mini China Live!

June 28, 2003

13384 Berlin Turnpike Lovettsville, Va 20180

Show holder- Beth Kusnetz

540-822-4228 or 703-963-4244

NAMHSA  Tally Ho Live Results


Name Abreviations: JPR=Judy Pope, JAN=Jan Pletsch, EVB=Elizabeth Bouras, PM=Patti Miller, SM=Sarah Miller, TW=Tara West, SC=Shay Canfield, KS=Kerry Schultz, DK=Diane Knoth, SJ=Stephanie Jones, BK=Beth Kusnetz, KC=Kathy Curtis,  JB=Jennifer Baker, AM=Allison Malone, KJ=Karen Jensen, HS=Heather Scruggs, SB=Sue Becker, GRK=Gaylene Kirkpatrick, EC=Emily Conger, EJ=Elizabeth Jones, AS=Adrien Synnolt, DM=Daphne Mazuz, LW=Leann Walther, NM=Nikki McKinney


China Collectability

1 HR Minis & Specialties (12) 1. Jinx-JRP, 2. Dare To Impress-EVB

2 HR Other (12) 1. Anazeh-EVB, 2. Neon Dream-JRP

3 NL Foals (1) 1. Spotted Dick-Dk

4 NL Adults (0)

5 Breyer China (4) 1. Lucky Billier-Dk-sc, 2. Last Chance-JAN

6 Alchemy Mini (?) 1. Evangeline-EVB, 2. Tuxedo-KC

7 Alchemy Other (5) 1. Kheshahbi-KC, 2. Valdemar-EVB

8 Pour Horse (15) 1. Screaming from the Minarets-SC, 2. Liseter Geisha Girl-EVB

9 Beswick (2) 1.Liseter Crystal Illusion-EVB, 2. This Corrosion-EVB

10 Other European (7)  1. Aston Superstar-EVB, 2. Lea & Perrin-EVB

11 Other China (?) 1. Grabthar-EVB, 2. Gaucho-KC

Champion Anazeh-EVB

Reserve Champion Grabthar-EVB


China Foals

45 Light (3) 1. Not for Sale-SC, 2. Snookie-KC

46 Gaited (1) 1. Honour Brite-DK

47 Spanish (0)

48 Sport (2) 1. Rasclina-DK,  2. Aliantha-KC

49 Stock (7) 1. Okie Dokie Cow Pokey-SC, 2. Butch-DK

50 Pony (5) 1. Paradox-SC, 2. Spotted Dick-DK

51 Draft (2) 1. Energizer-AM 2. Derra-AM

52 Other (3) 1. Mr. Potter-KS 2. Ears-AM

 Champion Rasclina-DK

Reserve Champion Okie Dokie Cow Pokey-SC


Plastic Collectabilty

12 Breyer SM & LB (9) 1. Taliesin-JRP, 2. Thunderdome-JRP

13 Breyer Classic (12)  1. Idris Gawr-JRP, 2. Speedy-JAN

14 Breyer Trad St & G (31) 1. Giant Carlo-SC, 2. Samuel Barber

15 Breyer Trad Mare (24) 1. Regeneration-SC, 2. Drop In The Ocean-SC

16 Breyer Trad Foal (9) 1. Bint Murjaan, 2. Aur Coeth-JRP

17 Stone Trad St & G (17) 1. Shakhing-KC, 2. Arrowsmith-KS

18 Stone Trad Mare (0)

19 Stone Trad Foal (6) 1. Miami Moon-AM, 2. Just Breezy-SJ

20 Stone Other (6) 1. Spot Weld-JAN, 2. Turix-JAN

21 Heartland Trad (9) 1. Orange Glow-SC, 2. Super Fly-SC

22 Heartland Other (1) 1. Lydia's Ghost-SM

23 Other (0)

Champion Giant Carlo-SC

Reserve Champion Orange Glow-SC


Plastic Foals

53 Light (13) 1. Rocket Boy-Jan, 2. Bootyicious-SJ

54 Gaited (3) 1. Joe Cotton-JAN, 2. Southern Vista-JAN

55 Spanish (4) 1. Fiebre-JAN, 2. Corazon-JAN

56 Sport (6) 1. Better You-JAN, 2. Ma Petite Princess-SJ

57a Breyer Stock (11) 1. Frida-AM, 2. Scratchy-DK

57b Stone Stock (10)  1. Sheza Bit O' Trouble-KJ, 2. KJs Empty Pockets-KJ

58 Pony (9) 1. A Taste of Cheesecake-SJ, 2. Stormy-TW

59 Draft (3) 1. Camelot-TW, 2. Franklin-JAN

60 Other (1) 1. Carcoal-HS

Champion . Sheza Bit O' Trouble-KJ

Reserve Champion RocketBoy-JAN


Open Performance

24 Driving (0)

25 Arabian Costume (1)  1. Raven’s Wood-JB

26 Other Costume (1) 1. Miso-JAN

27 Saddleseat (0)

28 Other (0)

Champion Raven’s Wood-JB

Reserve Champion Miso-Jan


29 Hunter/Jumper (0)

30 English Trail (2) 1. Gotta Heart-PM, 2. Evil Ash-BK

31 English Pleasure (2) 1 . Gotta Heart-PM, 2. Evil Ash-BK

32 Other English (1) 1. Evil Ash-BK

33 Dressage(0)

Champion Gotta Heart-PM

Reserve Champion Evil Ash-BK


34 Working Western (2) 1. Zenobia-PM, 2. Miss Congeniality-JAN

35 Western Games (1) 1. Miss Congeniality-JAN

36 Western Trail (4) 1. Mythic Aladdin-BK, 2. Miss Congeniality-JAN

37 Western Pleasure (3) 1. Mythic Aladdin-BK, 2. Country Lace-PM

38 Other Western (2) 1. Miss Congeniality-JAN, 2. Tequila Mockingbird-KJ

Champion Mythic Aladdin-Bk

Reserve Champion Miss Congeniality-JAN 


China Breed

61 Arabian (4) 1. Khemoshahbi-KC, 2. Persian Slipper-Dk

62 NSH (0)

63 Morgan (4) 1. Green Moutain Wanderer-JRP, 2. Bennington-SB

64 Other Light Breed (0)

 Champion Khemoshahbi-KC

Reserve Champion Green Mountain Wanderer-JRP


65 ASB TWH/Other Gaited (3) 1. Neon Dream-JRP, 2. Mystery Walks-JRP

67 Lusitano(5) 1. Prospero-EVB, 2. Achilles-SC

68 Other Spanish (0)

Champion Propsero-EVB

Reserve Champion Neon Dream-JRP


69 TB/STB/ SW/SH (5) 1. Red Shift-SB, 2. Virginia Plain-EVB

71 Carriage Breed/Other Pure/Other Part (?) 1. Shilstone Inferno-EVB, 2. Earth Angel-SB

Champion Red Shift-SB

Reserve Champion Shilsonte Inferno-EVB


74 QH/Appy (5) 1. Midnight Grafitti-EVB, 2. Jose Chung-EVB

75 Paint (0)

77 Other Stock (0)

Champion Midnight Grafitti-EVB

Reserve Champion Jose Chung-EVB


78 Draft (7) 1. Piper Maru-JRP, 2. Lea & Perrin-EVB

79 Pony (8) 1. Aston Superstar-EVB, 2. Grapthor-EVB

80 Mules/Donkey/Exotics (3) 1. Anita-SB, 2. Tiger Lily-DK

Champion Piper Maru-JRP

Reserve Champion Aston Superstar-EVB


Overall Champ Piper Maru-JRP

Overall Reserve Champ Prospero-EVB


Mini China Breed

82 Arabian (5) 1. Amarna Zaketh-EVB, 2. Barakah-AM

 83 NSH (2) 1. Tuxedo-KC, 2. Calypso Bey-EVB

84 Morgan (5) 1. Heritage Showgirl-EVB, 2. Heritage Amber-EVB

85 Other Light (0)

86 TWH/Other Gaited(Non Spanish) (6) 1. Sunset Boulevard-EVB, 2. Wind Chaser-SB

87 Spanish(3) 1. Cowabunga-EVB, 2. Aguirre-JRP

Champion Heritage Showgirl-EVB

Reserve Champion Tuxedo-KC


88 TB/STB (7) 1. Explicit Lyrics-EVB, 2. Raspberry Mary-SB

89 WB/SH (13) 1. Pandora-SC, 2. Double Dutch AM

90 Carriage Breed (7) 1. Phillipe-KS, 2. Roland-EVB

91 QH (5) 1. Dare To Impress-EVB, 2. Chrisma-SB

92 Mustang (6) 1. Parody-SC, 2. Purgatori-JRP

93 Other Stock (7) 1. Steel Magnolia-KC, 2. Afterthought-GRK

Champion Dare To Impress-EVB

Reserve Champion Parody-SC


94a Hairy Draft (?) 1. Pellinore-EVB, 2. Sabre-AM

94b Smooth Draft (7) 1.Coloursound-EVB, 2. Polka Hulk-SC

95a Pony (base) (11) 1. Balmoral Kestrel-EVB, 2. Ragnarok-EVB

95b Pony (no base) (7) 1. Screaming from the Minarets-SC,, 2. Glenfinan-KS

96 Mules/Donkeys/Exotics (?) 1. Tarzan-EVB, 2. Too Much-SC

97 Other Pure Part (2) 1. Caravaggion-EVB, 2. Isolde-EVB

Champion Screaming from the Minarets-SC,

Reserve Champion Pellinore-EVB


Overall Champ Screaming from the Minarets-SC,

Overall Reserve Champ Heritage Showgirl-EVB


Mini Plastic


98 Arabian (8) 1. Vera Gemini-JRP, 2. Taliesin-JRP

99 Part Arabian (4) 1. Rayojini-JRP, 2. Baskin In The Moonlight-SJ

100 Morgan (7) 1. OTSF Albion Hills-KJ, 2. OTSF Gibson-KJ

101 Other Light (0)

102 ASB (8) 1. Cabaret-EC, 2.Bey Design-EC

103 TWH & other Gaited Non Spanish Pasos & other Gaited Spanish (6) 1. First Frost-EC, 2. Pepper N’ Spice-HS

105 Lusitano/Andal/Other Pure Spanish (6) 1. Neapolitano Fubuki-DK, 2. ‘Tis Nobiler-HS

Champion . OTSF Albion Hills-KJ

Reserve Champion Cabaret-EC


106 TB/STB (9) 1. Doctor Syntax-JRP, 2. Dancing John-EC

107 WB/SH (6) 1. Edict-SB, 2. Tempest-JAN

108 Carriage Breed (0)

109 QH (3) 1. Turix-JAN, 2. If Theres Smoke-JAN

110 Paint (6) 1. Chromatic Step-Sb, 2. Glimmer Guy-SJ

112 Appaloosa (3) 1. Fred-EC, 2. Spot Weld-JAN

113 Other Stock (3) 1. Thunderdome-JRP, 2. Hot Gold-EC

Champion Doctor Syntax-JRP

Reserve Champion Thunderdome-JRP


114 British/Other  Draft (8) 1. April’s Shade-HS, 2. Turnover-EC

116 British/Other Pony (6) 1. Home Aroan-Hs, 2. Sandblaster-SB

118 Mules/Donkies/Exotics (0)

119 Other Pure/Part Breed (0)

Champion April’s Shade-HS

Reserve Champion Home Aroan-HS


Overall Champ Doctor Syntax-JRP

Overall Reserve Champ OTSF Albion Hills-KJ



Plastic Breed

120 Breyer Arabian 1. Shukaal-JAN, 2. Adjani-JRP

121 Stone Arabian 1. Shabah-EJ, 2. Change of Hearrt-KJ

122 Breyer Part Arab 1. Muscatal-JAN, 2. Adom V’ Shalchor-AS

123 Stone Part Arab 1. Padrons Perfection-SJ, 2. DS El Wazir-DM

124 Breyer & Stone Morgan 1. Tiny Diamond-EJ, 2. Athena-SB

125 Breyer Other Light 1. Rebel-EC, 2. First of Edgemere-SB

126 Stone/Other Make  Other Light 1. Magnum PI-KC, 2. Illumination Foil-HS

Champion . Shukaal-JAN

Reserve Champion . Muscatal-JAN


128 Breyer & Stone ASB 1. Dozen Roses-EJ, 2. Jubilee Fashion-KJ

129 Breyer & Stone Other Gaited 1. Kentucky Blend-KJ, 2. CottonEyed JimBob-JAN

130 Breyer & Stone Paso 1. Aspirante-Kj, 2. Pimiento-SB

131 Breyer & Stone Andal/Lippizaner 1. Penaquid-TW, 2. Exanthem-JAN

132 Breyer & Stone Other Spanish 1. Abba Zabba-KJ, 2. Braganza-EJ

Champion. Aspirante-Kj

Reserve Champion Dozen Roses-EJ


134 Breyer TB/STB 1. Ramon-EJ, 2. DS Alfred Douglas-DM

135 Stone TB/STB 1. Desire-AM, 2. Tycoon-EJ

136 Breyer WB/SH 1. Tiny Diamond-EJ, 2. Gunter-AM

137 Stone WB/SH 1. Vetinari-EJ, 2. Evil Ash-BK

138 Breyer Other Pure/Part Breed 1. Pakalafaka-JAN, 2. Grumpy Doc-JAN

139 Stone Other Pure/Part Breed 1. Sand Jockey-AM, 2. Jeff Bridges-AM

Champion Ramon-EJ

Reserve Champion DS Alfred Douglas-DM


141 Breyer QH 1. Peanut Butter Pie-SM, 2. It’s A Wrap-PM

142 Stone QH 1. Nu Fancy Chex-HS, 2. Proud Mary-DM

143 Breyer Paint 1. Blaze Aleeah-JRP, 2. Lady In Lace-PM

144 Stone Paint 1. Superior Shore-SB, 2. Dark Promises-EJ

145 Breyer Appaloosa 1. Skylark-SB, 2. Ethc A Sketch-LW

146 Stone Appaloosa 1. Kiss The Girl-AM, 2. Chilkoot Legacy-KJ

147Breyer Other Stock 1. Buricom-JAN, 2. Call Me Charlie-LW

148 Stone Other Stock 1. Hez Obvious-KJ, 2. Raisin’ Aruckus-KJ

Champion Buricom-JAN

Reserve Champion Nu Fancy Chex-HS


150 Breyer Draft 1. Winsome-NM, 2. Bugsby-SB

151 Stone Draft 1. Quite The Gentleman-SJ, 2. Memphis Belle-EJ

152 Breyer British Pony 1. Early Mark-JAN, 2. Starlet-EC

153 Stone British Pony 1. Time Traveler-JAN, 2. Silver Taffy-EC

154 Breyer Other Pony 1. Triton’s Little But Sweet-SJ, 2. Dusty-EC

155 Stone Other Pony 1. Barney, 2. Cherryvale Serenade-KJ

156 All Makes Mules/Donkeys/ Exotics 1. Seal Of Approval-JAN, 2. Ozark Lad-AS

157 Other Make Draft & Pony 1. Enduring Freedom-AM

Champion Quite The Gentleman-SJ

Reserve Champion . Seal Of Approval-JAN


Overall Champ Buricom-JAN

Overall Reserve Champ Ramon-EJ



One of a Kind

177a Plastic (Stone) (7) 1. Coldplay-Dk, 2. Bravissimo-KC

177b Plastic (Breyer) (6) 1. Frangelica-AS, 2. Refiners Fire-JRP

178 China Large (15) 1. Fleydur-EVB, 2. Bugger It-KS

179 China Mini (7) 1.  Christabelle-EVB, 2. Tahitian Moon-EVB

Champion Fleydur-EVB

Reserve Champion  Bugger It-KS